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5 Ways For Your Small Business To Tap Into Government Money PDF  | Print |  E-mail

Some of the best funding sources for small business come from your local, provincial and federal government. A business grant is not incurred debt or surrendered equity, meaning you will not have to give up portions of your own business to obtain financing or repay it. The biggest hurdle for small business in obtaining government grants is the complex process of finding what’s available and applying with the proper credentials. Today’s business owners can rest assured; the Canadian Grants Business Center has done the work for them.

Here are 5 ways to help your business get the funding you need:


  • 1. Point out the ways your Business will contribute to the economy.


Once the Canadian Grants Business Center helps you in determining what funding is available, you will be tasked with an application process. The best way to be approved for funding is to point out how your small business will improve the local, provincial or federal economy. Will you be hiring new staff? Increasing total revenue? Growing your business internationally? Or coming up with an innovative way to increase efficiency, the government wants to make sure the taxpayers' dollars that make up these business grants get effectively used to increase the economy locally.


  • 2. Broadening your government funding potential.


As a small business owner, you may be fluent with R&D tax credits, but may not be aware of the abundance of grants available for your business today at all levels of the government. Be up to date with the Canadian Grants Business Center’s resources.


  • 3. Do not limit yourself to applying for only one business grant.


With all of the available business grants from the local, provincial and federal level, many businesses will be eligible. The most successful companies who secure grants every year are the ones who apply to more than one. Some businesses make this their strategy by analyzing the ones that they will have the most successful rate of being accepted. We can help you find those.


  • 4. Your business case presentation needs to be top notch.


Administration behind the government funds wants to see that their investment will go a long way. They want to see companies have set short and long-term business goals and have the ability to achieve them. Your application must show how you will reach your goals by using the funding being provided.


  • 5. If possible, collaborate.


Some funding programs have a pre-requisite in which large business must partner with smaller ones to obtain R&D or commercialization funding. Take advantage of this, as you can leverage this partnership to be legible for large business grants.

Contact The Canadian Grants Business Center today to see what funding is available for you.

The 3 Easiest Ways For Your Small Business To Get Funding PDF  | Print |  E-mail

A critical aspect for small businesses is funding. Many entrepreneurs can have successful ideas on paper, but without the proper financing, these ideas will never get off the ground. Proper Financing from various sources like Loans or Government Grants, businesses can finance their operations through debt financing or non-repayable contributions.

Below are the top 3 easiest reasons for your business to get funding today!


Reason 1: Purchase Real Estate or Expand Operations

Getting financing to increase business space is a sign that the business is successful and wants to grow and become even more successful. The expansion will indicate a firm is turning a profit and has a positive cash-flow. This is a good sign for lenders as they see positive numbers today and even more positive forecasting numbers for the future. Companies applying for business grants towards expanding their operations are more likely to obtain the grant due to the economic growth the company will impact towards the economy

Reason 2: Purchase Equipment

Small Businesses can use the financing to obtain equipment. Through a loan, you can either buy or lease the equipment. With a loan, you can write off the acquisition through taxes, the first year you own the equipment and the depreciation of the equipment over the course of its life. Since you have this asset, a lender is more at ease to give you the financing needed. If you default on payments they can try to recuperate any money lost through the selling of equipment. Grant programs for equipment are much easier to obtain as the business case would usually be sound and jobs will most likely be created through this purchase.

Reason 3: Increase Inventory and Working Capital


Small Businesses looking to gain financing for inventory purchases are usually due to the seasonality of their sales. This would be a short-term loan that would be usually paid off after the season is over. It's a low risk for lenders as the purchase orders may be spoken for prior to the money being lent.


Working capital is used for your day-to-day operations. A small business will need this capital to meet their needs until they start earning sufficient enough funds to cover their day-to-day. This is usually start-up capital. A short-term loan can be obtained through financial institutions with a sound business case and leveraged assets. There are many available government programs today that can help starting entrepreneurs get their start-up capital with a sound business case that shows an increase in the local economy in terms of job creation.


For information on how to obtain financing, the Canadian Grants Business Center is the choice for you. With our years of research, we will show you where and how to obtain financing for your business. Contact us today!


Small Business Grants Canada for 2016 PDF  | Print |  E-mail

Canadian Small Business Grants for 2016

January 2nd, 2016 Ottawa, Ontario Canada

2016 is here, and with the new year will be an increased interest in new business start-ups. We call this the "New Years Small Business Grants" effect.

What does the 2016 New Years Small Business Grants effect mean for you as a business owner?

The answer to this may be as simple as knowing when to time your search for government funding programs in the form of small business loans and small business grants. As an existing business owner, or an individual actively starting a business, it is of critical importance that you apply for the government grants and loans programs for business BEFORE the mass of applicants that happen every year, and will likely continue into early 2016.

The tools that we offer at Canadian Grants Business Center can be used to your advantage. If you are even considering applying for government grants or government loans for your business, you should contact us immediately to access our advice and tools.

Click here to contact us now!

There Are Only 15 Business Days Remaining to Apply for Government Funding in 2015 PDF  | Print |  E-mail

Monday, December 7th, 2015. Ottawa, Ontario-

Update for all Canadian small business owners re: Small Business Grants and Loans.

With only 15 business days left in the year 2015, we encourage any current or future business owners to get in touch with us and access any funding programs that their business may be eligible for.

Every year the government adds and removes programs that are available to small businesses for funding. Business owners that contact Canadian Grants Business Center before the end of 2015 will be able to access the information for the programs for both 2015 and 2016.

Don't delay! Contact us now to access the programs you may qualify for!


BDC Announces $500 Million in expanded funding for SMEs in Western Canada PDF  | Print |  E-mail

Calgary, November 17, 2015

The Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) announced today that it has earmarked $500 million in additional financing for Canadian SMEs impacted by the decline in oil prices. It will also provide advisory solutions to help companies adjust their business operations to weather the impact of the current economic downturn.

Summary of the announcement:


  • The half a billion in funding represents an significant increase of 40% compared to the bank’s normal lending to businesses in the oil and gas sector.
  • BDC will be working to process applications faster during this time of increased business need.
  • BDC’s strategy is intended to help promising companies with projects aimed at diversifying their business, increasing their operational and environmental efficiency, improving financial management, as well as purchasing new technology and equipment.
  • BDC is the only bank dedicated exclusively to entrepreneurs, and mandated to do so by the Canadian Government. It offers loans, investments and advisory services. BDC’s purpose is to support Canadian entrepreneurship with a focus on small and medium-sized businesses.

To find out more about accessing BDC funding and other government programs for business, please contact the Canadian Grants Business Center at:

Canadian Toll Free 1-888-231-0075 Or Visit:


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